GoSovereign Wealth GLOBAL
A license of goSovereignWealth gives you and your sales team access to valuable, continuously updated contact information. Get in touch with top-tier investors and start building powerful, sustainable investor relations today.
Included Countries
Algeria; Angola; Australia; Austria; Azerbaijan; Bahrain; Belgium; Bolivia; Botswana; Brazil; Brunei; Canada; Chile; China; Croatia; Denmark; East Timor; Equatorial Guinea; Finland; France; Gabon; Germany; Ghana; Greece; Indonesia; Iran; Iraq; Ireland; Italy; Jordan; Kazakhstan; Kiribati; Kuwait; Libya; Luxembourg; Malaysia; Mauritania; Mexico; Mongolia; Netherlands; New Zealand; Nigeria; Norway; Oman; Palestine; Panama; Peru; Portugal; Qatar; Russia; Saudi Arabia; Senegal; Singapore; South Africa; South Korea; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Trinidad and Tobago; Tunisia; United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom; United States; Venezuela; Vietnam
Asset Allocation Details & Investor Preferences
advinda provides a holistic view on asset allocation across all asset classes of the relevant investor, investor preferences, exemplary investments, preferred region of investment, investment focus and a detailed account description
Included investor types
Development Bank; Sovereign Wealth Fund
Included Investment Professionals
Gain instant access to relevant investment professionals responsible for the asset allocation and manager selection, e.g.: CFO; CIO; Head of Alternatives; Head of Asset Management; Head of Debt; Head of Infrastructure; Head of Real Estate; Investment Director
User License
3-User, 5-User & 10-User